Pomodoro Ponderosa Yellow Tomato seeds

The Ponderosa Tomato is a semi-determined variety. Small, round, smooth fruits of an orange-yellow color with firm pulp with an extraordinary flavor. The bunches are harvested and, if hung, they keep well throughout the winter. 15 seeds.

Our seeds are all fresh and we specialise is special culinary seeds.

1. Fill your pot with seed compost, leaving a couple of centimetres below the rim. Scatter the seeds evenly over the compost and cover with vermiculite. Water well, then cover the pot with a plastic bag or piece of clingfilm to keep the compost moist.
2. Remove the cover from the pot when seedlings appear. If growing your tomatoes on a windowsill, turn the pot regularly to prevent the plants growing towards the light and becoming distorted.
3. Pot on the tomato seedlings when they're about 10cm tall. Plant them deeply into individual 7.5cm pots. In late-May, harden off plants before planting them into their final position.
4. Tomatoes are hungry, thirsty plants, so add moisture-retaining crystals and a slow-release fertiliser.

excluding shipping cost